Sunday, October 24, 2010

Online Master Degree Program - Earning a master degree online

Online Master Degree: Earning a master degree online

This web site lists top online schools offering online masters degree programs. Choose the online masters degree majors on the left that interest you, or you can click on the online schools on the right offering online masters degree programs. Thanks to today’s technology and, specifically, the internet, earning a masters degree online is a viable option that any prospective online masters degree student should seriously consider. The opinion of many students is that pursuing an online masters degree has definite and distinct advantages over traditional, on-campus masters degree programs. That is why so many people have earned their masters degree online, and the number of online masters degree graduates keeps growing.

Online learning has matured over the years and earning an online masters degree has never been easier. However, with all the online masters degree programs that presently exist, just how does one go about selecting the right online school? Here are some important pointers to help you make the transition smooth and earning your masters degree online an exciting, positive, and rewarding experience.

How to choose an online master degree program

• Reputation of the online school and online masters degree program: One factor you must consider when choosing an online  school offering online masters degree programs is the online school’s reputation. The online masters degree program's reputation in the industry you work in or want to work in is especially significant. Be sure to talk to hiring managers and ask them their opinion of an online masters degree from a certain school you are considering. The more hiring managers and people in authority you speak to, the better position you will be in to choose the right online masters degree program for you.. It is also a good idea to speak to others who have obtained or are currently obtaining an online masters degree from that school, especially if they also work in your chosen industry.

• Accreditation of the online school and online masters degree program: While there are many excellent online schools, universities and colleges out there offering online masters degrees, one must keep in mind that there also are some online schools offering online masters degree programs that fall way below the mark. These online schools offer online masters degrees which are not accredited and, therefore, in most cases, not recognized. Many of these online schools also require inadequate online masters degree coursework or, in some cases, none at all. In the worst cases, these online schools (or degree mills, as they are sometimes referred to) will sell you a worthless online masters degree immediately, no questions asked. One of the most important ways to find out if a school is legitimate and offering high-quality, recognized online masters degree programs is to check its accreditation. In the US, all reputable schools offering online masters degree programs should be accredited by one or more accrediting bodies. These accrediting bodies perform the task of ‘auditing’ schools and the online master’s degree programs they offer to see if they meet certain standards. If so, then the school and the online masters degree courses offered is ‘accredited’ by that body. There are both regional and national accrediting agencies that list online masters degree programs, which are listed below on this page. Some online masters degree programs (law, for example) are also accredited by a professional body in that field, in addition to regional and national accreditation.

• Programs and online masters degree majors offered: This may seem obvious, but it is a factor than some students overlook. In considering an online school, one must first review the online master’s degree programs and courses offered. Not only should you ensure that the online school offers online masters degree programs for the major you are interested in, you should also review the actual class descriptions for the online masters degree classes you will be required to take. Do these required online master’s degree classes for your major compare favorably to coursework from other reputable schools? Does the masters degree online coursework seem sufficiently extensive and cover areas that you know you will have to apply in your industry? Be sure to also check how often these online masters degree classes are offered and if they meet your schedule. This is important if you want to complete your online masters degree in a certain amount of time.

• Cost of online masters degree program: Another factor you must consider when choosing an online school to pursue an online masters degree is cost. The cost to complete an online masters degree program at an accredited online school can range anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000. There are so many factors involved, including the reputation of a school, the popularity of the online masters degree programs offered, the quality of the teaching staff, the level of technology used in administering the online masters degree program, etc. Many online schools will also work with you to help secure financial aid to offset some of the costs of obtaining a masters degree online. Be sure to check with the school before you decide which online masters degree program to enroll in.

• Flexibility of online masters degree program: Before deciding on an online masters degree program, be sure to evaluate how flexible each online school and online masters degree program is. Does it meet your schedule, especially if you will also be working, raising kids, or involved in some other major responsibility? Are there set online masters degree class times or can you download coursework according to your schedule? Do online masters degree program classes meet at convenient times so that you can complete online your masters degree in the desired time? Does the online school allow you sufficient time to complete each class required in order to earn your online master’s degree? All these are factors to consider when choosing an online school and online masters degree program.

• Teaching staff caliber: In any online masters degree program, the quality of teachers you will be learning from is very important. All reputable online schools offering online masters degree options will have competent teaching staff. Many online schools post the academic and career credentials of their online masters degree program teachers and professors online. Many more will provide you with the information if you are considering their online masters degree programs. Be weary of any school you are considering for your online masters degree that is reluctant to discuss the credentials of their teaching staff.

• Service offered by the online school: Online schools offering online masters degree programs have something in common with other businesses and organizations. Some are more service oriented while others are not. When choosing an online school to enroll in an online masters degree program, we recommend shopping around like a prudent consumer would. If school officials are unhelpful and unresponsive now, the situation will probably not improve after you enroll for your online masters degree. Trust your instincts and choose an online masters degree program at a school that treats you well and offers good service.

• Online masters degree program length: Since online schools have their own criteria for earning an online masters degree, it is important to find out how long the online masters degree course will take to complete. We suggest finding out the shortest time possible to earn your online masters degree, the longest time possible, and then decide how long you would like to take, after reviewing the course descriptions and schedules. This ensures that you can earn your online masters degree in the time desired.

• Technology used in the online masters degree program: Each online school uses different forms of technology to help students enjoy a meaningful and rewarding learning experience while pursuing their masters degree online. In addition to e-mail and web sites, an online school may also use speech, video, audio, and other forms of interactive programs to enrich the online masters degree experience for the student. While some online schools might utilize media-rich content and technology programs, live video conferencing and communication to enhance their masters degree online program, others may only offer downloadable text and e-mail. Be sure to find out the kind of technology each school uses to administer their online masters degrees.

• Accessibility during the online masters degree program: One of the advantages of earning a masters degree online is accessibility to course materials anytime, from anywhere. Many online schools allow their online masters degree students to connect to the internet at anytime to download the class lecture, to view video, to communicate with professors, to watch live demonstrations, etc. These online schools also provide bulletin boards to aid communication and some give their online masters students the option of connecting to the schools own network. Other online schools have more rigid schedules, less technology, and they provide less material for their maters degree online at any given time, reducing accessibility.

Not all online schools and online masters degree programs are created equally! Be sure to do your homework, especially since earning a masters degree online involves a significant financial commitment. Shop like a consumer. Once you make your decision, it will be an informed one and you will be on your way to earning a prestigious online masters degree at an accredited school!

Advantages of an Online Masters Degree and Online Masters Degree Courses

Complete your masters degree online in a much shorter time

Traditional masters degrees can take anywhere from 2 - 4 years. Many students, however, prefer to get the same recognized, quality masters degree online, but in much less time. Earning an online masters degree faster allows the students to start accomplishing goals faster. Since online masters degrees incorporate a flexible schedule, students can earn their masters degree online faster than ever possible.

Earn your Online masters degree while living at home
Students who choose to earn their masters degrees online have the advantage of living at home. These students enjoy the support of family and friends, as well as being in a familiar environment. Choosing an online masters degree program allows a student to save on room and board, too. While on-campus students often have to drive long distances or relocate, online masters degree students enjoy all the comforts of home.

Online masters degree programs allow a flexible schedule
A major advantage of online masters degrees is that it gives students flexibility. Since courses and materials are available online 24 hours a day, students elect the when it is convenient to complete assignments, communicate with classmates and review courses on the journey to earning your masters degree online. This also allows students to stay employed while getting an online masters degree.

Choosing an online masters degree program gives you freedom
The online learning world knows no physical boundaries, you will be earning your masters degree online alongside other interesting and successful students from around the world. Students will interact with other students and learn from one another. Because students can log on from anywhere in the world to complete classes, they have the freedom to live life the way they want while earning an accredited online masters degree.

Online masters degree programs use technology you already know how to use
Earning an online masters degree is an interactive and easy experience. The technology that online colleges and universities use to deliver the online masters degree curriculum over any internet-connected computer is already familiar and easy to use. The coursework for online master degrees uses rich multimedia that is intuitive and interesting to students.

Online masters degree programs allow you to interact and learn from some of the best professors in the world
Online schools offering online masters degree programs are able to retain some of the brightest professors from all over the world for their virtual classrooms. Students who enroll in online masters degrees have the option of communicating with and learning from some of the most talented teachers in the world.

Candidates with online master degrees are more sought after than ever
Hiring managers have reported in industry surveys that online masters degrees are equally recognized and desirable as traditional masters degrees. Assuming the students have selected a properly accredited online school, they can obtain their masters degrees online and have the same career options and benefits as traditional students.

Regional Online Master Degree Accreditation

The following accrediting organizations accredit online schools offering online masters degree programs. We recommend that you choose an online school and online masters degree program that is accredited by one or more of the organizations listed below. This will ensure that you earn a recognized online masters degree.
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education
Web address:
Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools
Web address:
New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education
Web address:
New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Technical and Career Institutions
Web address:
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission Web address:
North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, Board of Trustees
Web address:
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Web address:
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
Web address:
Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
Web address:
Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Schools
Web address:
Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities
Web address:

National Online Master Degree Accreditation

The following national accrediting organizations accredit schools offering online masters degree programs. We strongly recommend that you choose an online school and online masters degree program that is accredited by one or more of the national organizations listed below. This will ensure that you earn a recognized online masters degree.

  • Tips for students enrolled in online master degree programs

    • Be sure to order your books early from the online bookstore way before the online masters degree program begins.
    • It is important that you do not procrastinate in your online masters degree course. It is essential to be a dedicated, focused and organized student to complete a masters degree online.
    • Make sure that you do all your assigned work early for your online masters degree classes. It is not wise to wait until the deadline. Online masters degree courses require discipline.
    • Try to be consistent and do not fall behind in your online masters degree classes and homework. It will be difficult to catch up later on your missed online masters degree coursework and this could affect your grades and delay your online masters degree graduation date.
    • We recommend that you do not expect online masters degree classes to be easier than traditional classes. Earning a masters degree online involves the same level of studying as regular on-campus programs.
    • We also recommend that you choose an easy class for your first online masters degree class so that you can get used to online your online masters degree courses.
    • Be  sure you have reliable computer access at home to take your masters degree classes online.
    • While taking online masters degree classes, it is important to communicate with your professors regularly.
    • Try to always set up a regular schedule to study for your online masters degree.
    • Always remember not to be reluctant to seek help if you find any of the masters degree online classes difficult. Professors and teachers are there to help you earn your masters degree online


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